Newsletter 6th of November: Daily Reach of Podcasts Increasing as Radio Goes Digital
6 November 2019
Competition on the podcast market is ramping up. In the Nordics, as well as on other markets, major actors invest in the ongoing transformation of audio. So far, Spotify is leading the effort by investing heavily in podcast content for its platform. Now, Amazon is also picking up speed by announcing Swedish original podcast productions for its audiobook and podcast subscription service Audible, that is available throughout the Nordics. Podcast listening is already widespread in Sweden – and willingness to pay for podcast content is taking off.
Podcast listening increases rapidly. Today, 19% of Swedes age 15-74 listen to podcasts on an average day – a strong increase of 20% YOY. Unsurprisingly, podcast listeners are predominantly young. 60% of daily listeners in Q3 are 15-34 years old. However, older listeners are quickly catching up. The age group 50-64-year-olds who listen to podcasts has doubled YOY.
Is there a market for paid audio content? Well, we can already conclude that there is a demand for paid podcasts, in Sweden as in the US. Mediavision recently presented research showing that a large share, almost 60%, of today’s podcast listeners are willing to pay for podcast content. The content that attract payers the most is “exclusive” and, maybe not that surprising, ad-free.
The podcast market is currently in strong growth. Likely, it will follow the same development curve as text, music and video has done previously – with older target groups following younger demos. Large investments by major players testify to the industry’s confidence in continued growth. Mediavision follows the podcast market closely and will report on the development on a quarterly basis.
Industry News
In 2016, Swedish Stunlock Studios released the game Battlerite which immediately became a success. Last year, the company´s growth ceased and caused a loss of 3,3 million SEK. Now, Chinese Tencent will invest 39 million SEK in order to save the company.

Netflix Enters the Podcast Market
In a joint effort with Spotify, Netflix will release their first original production of a podcast, based on their drama series “Daybreak”. The podcast will consist of six episodes, initially only available through Netflix.

HBO and Warner Bros has announced an extension to their output deal with Sky. Additionally, the deal now includes a new co-production partnership for HBO Max series, following the success of their previous co-production Chernobyl.

A new, standalone app has been developed by Spotify, featuring content created for kids ages 3 and up. The application will be available for all subscribers with a Premium Family account.

On Wednesday, the 30th annual Stockholm International Film Festival is inaugurated. Among other events, the Netflix-produced movie “Marriage Story” with Scarlett Johansson will premiere exclusively, before it debuts on the platform 6th of December.

In an exclusive, new deal Eurosport has secured the rights to air the Davis Cup final until 2020. The tournament will be added to the already strong offering of tennis, including for example the Wimbledon, ATP Tour and US Open.

Mediavision Press Release
Svensk streamingmarknad växer snabbt. Mediavisions analys av tredje kvartalet visar att prenumerationstjänsterna nu finns i 54% av hushållen.

Den första november lanserar Apple sin nya streamingtjänst Apple TV Plus i mer än 100 länder runtom i världen. I Sverige är intresset för tjänsten redan stort.

Mediavision in the News
Nu trappas amerikanska streamingkriget upp
Hittills har amerikanska tjänster som HBO Nordic och Netflix dominerat den svenska streamingmarknaden, framför svenska och nordiska aktörer. Allra störst är Netflix som 1,6 miljoner svenska hushåll abonnerar på, enligt analysföretaget Mediavision.

Svensk streamingmarknad växer snabbt. Mediavisions analys av tredje kvartalet visar att prenumerationstjänsterna nu finns i 54% av hushållen.

Industry Events
- Streaming Tech Sweden 2019: 7th November 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
Media Mekka: 14th November 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
- Sound Stockholm: 20th November, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
- Internetdagarna: 25-26th November, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden